To sustain the farm into the future, Aruma Estate focuses on the well-being of employees and local community, its animals and the land.
People and the Community
Aruma Estate highly values the safety of their employees and contractors.
Aruma Estate’s Property Risk Assessment and Occupational Health & Safety guidelines provide a framework to communicate and manage the risk and safety principles of the farm.
Aruma Estate proudly employs volunteers of the Fire and Emergency Services. The support for this community service has been recognised with a Volunteer Employer Recognition Award from DFES.
Aruma Estate has made financial contributions to the local volunteer fire fighter brigades.

Buy West Eat Best
The distinctive bite mark logo of Buy West Eat Best enables Western Australian shoppers to clearly identify food and drink products which have been grown, farmed, fished, processed, prepared and served right here in WA.
Aruma Estate proudly supports the Western Australian community and economy by employing and producing locally.
Animal Welfare
No hormones are added to our cattle and antibiotics are used strictly for animal welfare with safe withholding periods adhered to.
The herd is rotationally grazed on seasonal pastures. This is supplemented in autumn and winter with hay and silage, which is produced on the farm during spring. Innovative seed selection and conservative rates of fertiliser are used to optimise the feed.
Aruma Estate has a veterinarian validated Farm Biosecurity Plan. All the herd are tested for Johne’s disease as part of maintaining our J-BAS score of 8.
In recognition of our commitment to the safety and well being of our animals, Aruma Estate is a certified Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) producer.
Environmental Stewardship
Since taking ownership, Aruma Estate has undertaken extensive replanting on the property and works with Department of Parks and Wildlife’s Land For Wildlife initiative to further encourage biodiversity and habitat for native animals.
Large tracts of natural bush land have been fenced off to promote natural regeneration of endemic flora and provide sanctuary for the native animals on the property.
To help us optimise our processes and production we proactively source information from research and development in the areas of soil and pasture health, water, methane emissions, biodiversity and climate. This includes organisations such as Meat & Livestock Australia, Department of Primary Industry, Research & Development, South West Catchment Council, as well as working with suppliers to conduct our own infield trials.